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Article Image, Kurt Nimmo

The highly provocative anti-Muslim video “trailer” researchers claim is the handiwork of the Islamophobic provocateurs Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer and a resurgent neocon network is responsible for a new round of violent protests in the Middle Ea

Article Image, By Paul R. Pillar

Mitt Romney has articulated few substantive differences between himself and President Obama on foreign policy, but a Romney victory could dramatically change the U.S. approach to the world because he, like George W. Bush, is surrounding himself with

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Lew Rockwell blog

Condoleezza Rice was asked if the war in Iraq was worth it? .... [Iraq] "becoming for instance the fourth-largest purchaser of American military equipment in the Middle East. That’s called a strategic trade-up....."

Article Image, by Ron Paul

The modern-day, limited-government movement has been co-opted. The conservatives have failed in their effort to shrink the size of government. There has not been, nor will there soon be, a conservative revolution in Washington.

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"The fact that he uses tricky rhetoric, that he uses Libertarian or Ayn Randian rhetoric to disguise his devotion to the total central state and the global empire, well, it's just another political trick."

News Link • Global Reported By Joe Plummer
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The US does not believe Israel has made a decision on whether to attack Iran over its nuclear program, US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said, following sharp rhetoric from Israeli officials that has put financial markets on edge.

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Daily Telegraph

Rubio is top of Romney’s list to be the Vice Presidential nominee – and the press was struck by its statesmanlike tone and attempt to bridge the partisan divide. But while the sound of the talk was moderate, its content was not. This was the most haw

Article Image, John Glaser

Ahmari, the neocons’ favorite Iranian, is very much in the mold of the neocons’ favorite Iraqi.

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Lew Rockwell blog

I first heard of Jared Cohen and just a couple of days ago in two of the hacked Stratfor e-mails, which can be read here. Cohen co-founded, and the latter link has info on what this organization does. But it does not have