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Article Image, By Paul Craig Roberts

"The problem is that the world has listened to Americans for far too bloody long." -- Dr. Julian Osborne, from the 2000 film version of Nevil Shute's 1957 book, On the Beach

Article Image, by Jim Lobe

The apparent and surprisingly abrupt demise in Steve Bannon's influence offers a major potential opening for neoconservatives, many of whom opposed Trump's election precisely because of his association with Bannon and the "America Firsters,"

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The Trump administration's growing use of military force in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen has neoconservative hawks rooting for an armed confrontation with what they view as the root of all evil in the Middle East: Iran.

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Republican political leaders in Washington who condemned Obama's plan to bomb Syria in 2013 are gung ho over President Trump's bombing last week. Even "progressives" are jumping on the bomb band wagon. Are we all neocons now?

Article Image by Tyler Durden

It was a bumper day for John McCain when on Friday Donald Trump's Republican nemesis gloated as Trump's "art of the deal" collapsed in the last minute, after the President and Ryan-led effort to repeal Obamacare suffered what appears to be a terminal

Article Image by Bionic Mosquito

Until Trump goes after Russia, he will not find a formula that will pacify his enemies.

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President Trump's Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, is under fire for what Democrats and neocons claim is a false statement during his confirmation hearing about contacts with Russian officials. Is this about perjury? The Russian threat? Or just polit

Article Image by David Kowalski

When Rex Wayne Tillerson presented himself before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, one thing became perfectly clear: when it comes to America's dealings with Russia, the Republican establishment is gearing up to fight Trump's Russia "reset