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By Glenn Greenwald

O'Hanlon's answers, along with several other facts now known, demonstrate rather conclusively what a fraud this Op-Ed was, and even more so, the deceitfulness of the intense news coverage it generated. Most of the critical attention focused o

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Washington Times

"There is an overwhelming presence of neoconservatives and absence of traditional conservatives that I don't know what to make of," said Richard V. Allen, former Reagan White House national security adviser.

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by Justin Raimondo (AntiWar)

In the Bizarro World of the neoconservatives, none of this matters: indeed, it merely spurs them on. Since the pursuit of American national interests is entirely unrelated to their foreign policy agenda, the horrific damage to this country and its re

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America was trying to understand the wave of fear generated by government over the Cold War. Vietnam had just begun. We did not know that corporations had begin their campaign to suborn the UN, the Environmental Movement, and reduce us to serfdom.

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Raw Story

A Fox host cited a new report that "al Qaeda ... is running from Iraq, apparently to Pakistan." Kristol responded, "I think the president's going to have to take military action there over the next few weeks or months. "We won

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Washington Post

He was the architect of the Iraq war who was forced from the World Bank presidency amid allegations that he improperly acted to benefit his girlfriend. Now, Paul D. Wolfowitz will turn his attention to the relatively calmer waters of Washington inte

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Financial Times

Tony Blair, the British prime minister, could end up swapping Downing Street for a job as the first full-time European Union president, under a plan being actively touted by Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president. Mr Sarkozy is understood to have d

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A closer look at the participants list at the Prague Democracy and Security conference that was the subject of my last post discloses some intriguing associations that I had not noticed at first glance but which may warrant additional attention.

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A father confronts the issue of genocide that tarnishes the vision that is America. It was fatherhood that caused him to question our present trajectory as Americans. As Father's Day approaches he searches for answers. For those who love Ameri

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London Times

As Tony Blair was bidding farewell to President George W Bush in the Rose Garden on Thursday, the World Bank was preparing to kick out Paul Wolfowitz as president. Allies to the left and right in the Iraq war were falling by the wayside that day.

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Tucson Citizen(Robert Robb)

The neoconservative hubris that the US can and should reshape the world has been a casualty of the Iraq war, both substantively and politically. The practical limitations on the ability of the US to direct the destiny of other peoples and cultures,

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Mises Institute

Where the paleoconservatives embraced small government and the strictures of the US Constitution in many areas, the neocons embraced positivism, and higher spending on "services." The paleoconservatives, in what they believed to be

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American Enterprise Inst.

Sending 25,000 additional troops to clear Baghdad house by house. Then not pull back to their bases but remain stationed in Baghdad neighborhoods, providing security for civilians. "We can clear and hold critical terrain in Baghdad," Th

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Washington Post

43 months later, the cakewalk looks more like a death march, and Adelman has broken with the Bush team. He had an angry falling-out with Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfled this fall. He and Cheney are no longer on speaking terms. And he believes

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by Jim Lobe -

The aggressive new campaign by the administration of President George W. Bush to depict U.S. foes in the Middle East as "fascists" and its domestic critics as "appeasers" owes a great deal to steadily intensifying efforts by the r

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Truthout(William Rivers Pitt)

Over the last several weeks, an old White Paper found new life in the shattered ruins of Lebanon's infrastructure. Titled "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm," the paper was masterminded by 3 neo-con hawks who,