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Washingotn Post

Intelligence officials are warning that the deepening global financial crisis could weaken fragile governments in the world's most dangerous areas and undermine the ability of the United States and its allies to respond to a new wave of security

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"I'd like to congratulate Senator McCain on this endorsement because he really earned it," Obama said. "That endorsement didn't come easy. Senator McCain had to vote 90 percent of the time with George Bush and Dick Cheney to ge

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Google Video - Do you feel that you are being constantly manipulated? There's a reason,... you are! Know where the NeoCons came from and just how crazy they are. (First posted on FreedomsPhoenix Aug. of 2006... Very Powerful Information)

Article Image Ray McGovern: My Take

On Sept. 23, the neo-conservative chiefs of the Washington Post’s editorial page mourned, in a tone much like what one hears on the death of a close friend, that “a military strike by the United States or Israel [on Iran is not] likely in the coming

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The American people should be eternally grateful to Old Europe for having spiked the Bush-McCain plan to bring Georgia into NATO. Had Georgia been in NATO when Mikheil Saakashvili invaded South Ossetia, we would be eyeball to eyeball with Russia, fac

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Antony Sutton

This book exposes one of the most powerful non-governmental bodies in the world. Antony Sutton re-did his original 1976 book in 1994, and titled it “Trilaterals Over America.” This link will allow you to download the entire book in PDF format.

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In a recent foreign policy speech, Mr McCain advocated removing Russia from the G8 group of major industrialised powers, while this week he announced he would not attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics....

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McElroy's Musings

David McElroy

Look at the BIG PICTURE! World War III and Martial Law are coming! The Police State is here! Consider what has happened in recent years.

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You know what that means – lots and lots of war. And you know what it also means: the politician uttering these inanities has no intention of disclosing the tiniest hint as to where the money for these fantasies....

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The Pentagon has long had a conflict of interest. The Department of Defense builds the weapons of war. Yet the department also supervises and funds 85% of the intelligence effort to identify threats that those weapons are designed to counter.

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NY Times / Jennifer Lee

On Monday night, the six-year-old conservative blog Power Line gathered a group of luminaries — including Henry A. Kissinger, William Kristol and Paul D. Wolfowitz (with his companion, Shaha Ali Riza, in tow) — to honor Norman Podhoretz with a book a
