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Lew Rockwell blog

Singling out the last two presidents as evil is not to let other U.S. government officials, past and present, off the hook. It is only to focus on recent, visible and incontrovertible instances of evil deeds done by evil men.

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Lew Rockwell blog

It is not his fellow Republican Senators but Senator McCain himself who is an egregious embarrassment to the nation. McCain is not a RINO but a fascist bully who supports a domestic war against American citizens, their fundamental rights and libertie

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A familiar clutch of hawks have taken wing over the rapidly developing crisis in Ukraine, as neo-conservatives and other interventionists claim that President Barack Obama’s preference for diplomacy over military action invited Russian aggression.

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Time magazine

In a White House letter to the leaders of the Senate and the House of Representatives, Obama said that although the troops were “equipped for combat,” they were sent only “for the purpose of protecting U.S. citizens and property.”

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Lew Rockwell blog

Not feeling at all chastened over his role in pushing the US into war in Iraq based on his lies and those of his neoconservative allies, William Kristol peddles more lies to push Israel into a war of its own. Kristol, is desperately egging Israel on

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Lew Rockwell blog

Gen. Keith Alexander ought to give even criminally insane narcissists like Obummer pause. This is the maniac who wasted our taxes on duplicating the Star Ship Enterprise – I kid you not – as his office (easy to do when you can bury whatever

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"The threat of force remains, the threat is real," Kerry said at a news conference after a four-hour meeting with the Israeli premier. "Make no mistake, we have taken no options off the table," he warned [Syria.]

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When Russian President Vladimir Putin took his American counterpart to task in a recent New York Times Editorial over Obama’s invocation of the standard neoconservative boilerplate “American exceptionalism” to justify an aggressive US foreign policy,

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Prison Planet

Washington has been at war for 12 years. According to experts such as Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes, these wars have cost Americans approximately $6 trillion, enough to keep Social Security and Medicare sound for years.

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Washington has been at war for 12 years. According to experts such as Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes, these wars have cost Americans approximately $6 trillion, enough to keep Social Security and Medicare sound for years.
