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Washington Post

Intriguingly, many of these new rightists were the children of old leftists, and a winding pedigree could be traced to unlikely starting points -- the classroom of Leo Strauss

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Free-Market News Network

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has offered Wolfowitz, a prime architect of the Iraq War, a position as chairman of the International Security Advisory Board, a prestigious State Department panel.

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LA Times

CNN brought the Republican presidential candidates together this week for what is loosely termed a "debate," what did the country get but a discussion of immigration, Biblical inerrancy and the propriety of flying the Confederate flag?

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Michael Heraty

I try to only write about ’08 election developments....

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"When Dobson’s Focus on the Family “campus” was completed, the academy skydiving team, with great ceremony, delivered the “keys from heaven” to Dobson.

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National Ledger

Stumbling across this article from the National Ledger initially reminds one of the old adage about debating irrational people: “don’t confuse them with facts.”

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NJ Voices

The neoconservatives in the think tanks and in the media have been the Amen chorus cheering on the Bush/Cheney regime at every step of the way. That's why the neocons have hitched their wagon to the two most pro-war candidates running for preside

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Coulter told an exasperated Jewish talk-show host that in her dreams, heaven - for that matter, America - is a place where everyone is Christian. Where would the Jews have gone? She went on to explain that that Jews needed to convert to Christians

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The Guardian

He prepared briefs for Dick Cheney, but when he uncovered a political scandal - a conspiracy to enable a rogue nation to get the nuclear bomb - he found himself a marked man.

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Former U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has joined the Hoover Institution at Stanford University as a visiting fellow and will serve on a task force focused on issues pertaining to ideology and terror, the California think tank said.

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Chicago Tribune

At the forefront of these efforts is former Prime Minister Ayad Allawi, a secular Shiite who was Washington's first choice to lead Iraq after the U.S. occupation authority ended. He now is being presented as the best hope of saving Iraq from what