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The clueless pawns who imagine themselves "leaders" of the conservative movement are so busy conjuring far-fetched visions of Sharia law taking over America, that they’re caught flat-footed when the real holier-than-thou warriors take up arms...

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The PPJ Gazette

For all those out there cheering the union busting, where was your bravado, your passion, when Wall Street and the gangster banksters were robbing the American taxpayer and bringing the country to the edge of collapse with their corruption? I’ll tell

News Link • Global Reported By Marti Oakley
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The new Enemy: Muslims. The Fifth Column: the many Muslim organizations, and the several thousand mosques in the US, along with the entire Muslim-American population. The witch-hunt was back on, and there was more money in it than ever.

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The global banking cartel, centered at the IMF, World Bank and Federal Reserve, have paid off politicians and dictators the world over — from Washington to Greece to Egypt. In country after country, they have looted national economies...

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What I do know is this: if we don’t raise our voices, we are lost. This country is rapidly approaching the point when such activities as we are engaged in on this web site, and beyond it, are the target of government harassment, disruption, and...

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Sharlene Holt, Musicians 4 Freedom

Newt Gingrich came to speak courtesy of Denver’s own terrorism museum called The C.E.L.L. to promote the Global War on Terror and talk about his less-than-totally-secret plans to possibly make a run for president in 2012. M4F and WACC were there.

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The man who stopped his Presidential Campaign in 2008 to make sure billions of tax payer dollars were used to bail out irresponsible Wall Street firms and banks, also likes to show his support for paid advocacy groups funded by Redflex and ATS.

News Link • Global Reported By David Alpha