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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Ann Coulter actually takes Ron Paul's side? Am I dreaming?

• Yahoo
Count this among the things I never thought I'd see.

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Comment by PureTrust
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Foreign policy? Any and every foreign policy attitude and action that the United States does is good and right, as long as it is done Constitutionally. If the U.S. government takes an unconstitutional foreign policy stance, and then acts on it, it is no better than those it is acting against. Why? The Constitution is the authorization for the United States Government to do anything. If gov does something beyond its authorization, it is doing it criminally.

Now here is the clincher. It is not the Government that is doing the wrong. It is the people in Government who have taken on the cloak of Government - have said that they are the government - who are doing the wrong. They are acting in bad faith. They are acting "treasonously." They are acting against their Oath of Office. They are acting without authorization. They are acting criminally.

If they can't be trusted to legally change the Constitution through the methods laid down in the Constitution before doing things not authorized by the Constitution, if they can't be trusted to follow their Oath, can you trust them when they meddle in the affairs of your life?

Do it the right way, or don't do it at all.