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United States

Article Image by Ron Paul Liberty Report

America was never meant to be an empire. After all, empires go broke! Why would any nation ever want that? Human life is much (much) too complex for one nation, or one government, to rule them all. Sadly, in the early 1900's, Americans ditched sound

Article Image by Ron Paul Liberty Report

America was never meant to be an empire. After all, empires go broke! Why would any nation ever want that? Human life is much (much) too complex for one nation, or one government, to rule them all. Sadly, in the early 1900's, Americans ditched sound

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US -- "US-China normalization is linked to American respect for One China, a position that Taipei and Beijing traditionally held, from which Taipei has now departed, with enthusiastic support from much of the American political establishment."

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Caitlin Johnstone Substack

Western civilization is a story of full bellies and starving hearts. Of a feast of information and a famine of truth. Of conveyor belts churning out processed food, conformity-enforcing media and power-serving culture. Enough food to stay alive but n

Article Image, Hugo Kruger

This is a recent article by a European blogger, Hügo Krüger, that looks into the life of Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was a co-founder of the Trilateral Commission – the genesis of modern globalization. Brzezinski was David Rockefeller's right-hand

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For the first time since 2010, China holds less than $1 trillion in US debt. China held $980.8 billion in US debt in May, a $23 billion decline from April and a $100 billion decline from a year prior. In fact, the US Treasury Department noted that Ch

Article Image by Alyce Andres

Online data show companies are putting the brakes on job listings for a third month (see "Fed Mission Accomplished: Real-Time Indicators Show The Labor Market Just Cratered").
