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United States

Article Image By Philip Giraldi

What is wrong with the United States of America?

Article Image

US -- In stark contrast to duplicitous US/Western officials -- ones never to be trusted -- preeminent world leader, Vladimir Putin, says what he means, means what he says, is a man of his word, and long ago proved his trustworthiness.

Article Image By Susan Duclos

--Midterm Violence Against Conservatives Has Begun, Now Imagine What Radical Liberals Will Do When Their 'Roevember' Fails To Save Them

Article Image by Aden Tate

I believe that one of the things that makes America so great as a nation is that we refuse to bow to fatalism. As other nations collapse, their citizens tend to bow their heads and say, "Well, there's nothing I can do about it, so I might as well

Article Image by Tyler Durden

Gallup conducts a annual poll to find out which high-profile federal agencies and departments have the highest favorability scores with the U.S. public.

Article Image by Michael Knowles

There are few things worse than being called "intolerant" or "closed-minded." Who wants to be that? Isn't it far better to be open to everything, dismissive of nothing? Well, not necessarily. Michael Knowles explains.

Article Image by Michael Knowles

There are few things worse than being called "intolerant" or "closed-minded." Who wants to be that? Isn't it far better to be open to everything, dismissive of nothing? Well, not necessarily. Michael Knowles explains.

Article Image by Dave Rubin

Are we just going to give up on the greatest country in the history of the world? Or are we going to fight for freedom and a thriving future? For Dave Rubin, the author of Don't Burn This Country, the answer is obvious. And, even better, he has a b

Article Image by Dave Rubin

Are we just going to give up on the greatest country in the history of the world? Or are we going to fight for freedom and a thriving future? For Dave Rubin, the author of Don't Burn This Country, the answer is obvious. And, even better, he has a b

Article Image by Dave Rubin

Are we just going to give up on the greatest country in the history of the world? Or are we going to fight for freedom and a thriving future? For Dave Rubin, the author of Don't Burn This Country, the answer is obvious. And, even better, he has a b

Article Image

James Howard Kunstler

Do you think I exaggerate? Consider for a moment that your personal ruin -- the loss of your freedoms, your livelihoods, and your posterity -- is at stake behind the more general demolition of our society.