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United States

Article Image By Caitlin Johnstone

War is the single worst thing humans do. The most insane. The most cruel. The most destructive. The most traumatic. The least sustainable. Those who knowingly choose to steer humanity into more war when it could be avoided are the worst people in the

Article Image by Paul Craig Rob

Comments on the accelerating collapse of the United States. By 2030 or thereabouts, the United States will have the most tyrannical government and society that has ever existed on Earth. No one who represents the people and their morality is tolerat

Article Image by Dave DeCamp

US Ambassador to Australia Caroline Kennedy indicated in comments to the Sydney Morning Herald that Washington might be open to a plea deal for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange that could keep him from being extradited and imprisoned in the United St

Article Image by Tyler Durden

The most commonly abused drug in the US is alcohol. Since alcohol is socially acceptable, more people are addicted to alcohol than any other drug. A new study by the finance website Insider Monkey has revealed the top ten US cities with the highest a

Article Image by Tyler Durden

Having averted what could have been the biggest work stoppage the US has known since the 1950s, the Teamsters Union agreed a deal with UPS this week that mean the approximately 330,000 UPS drivers, loaders and handlers would not strike, ..

Article Image by Tyler Durden

Having averted what could have been the biggest work stoppage the US has known since the 1950s, the Teamsters Union agreed a deal with UPS this week that mean the approximately 330,000 UPS drivers, loaders and handlers would not strike, ..

Article Image by Charles Hugh Smith

Now that America has been transformed from a high-trust social order into a low-trust social order, there's no going back.

Article Image - Edward Ring - American Greatness

The argument that America, by a wide margin, is the lesser of two evils, does not get the traction today that it got during the Cold War. But there is no justification for its diminished relevance.

Article Image, by Tyler Durden

The US government has finally pulled funding from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where the Obama administration offshored banned gain-of-function research, including projects to make bat covid more transmissible to humans...
