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United States

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At the beginning of the year, I outlined three trends we should cheer. And now, just three months later, one of them is proceeding so rapidly that the bad guys are in an outright panic.

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In this video Luke Rudkowski reports on the breaking news of both China and Saudi Arabia making geopolitical moves that will cause a U.S economic collapse and obliteration of the U.S hegemony petrodollar. We go over China's new gold backed yuan tha

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I've gotten some emails from folks asking my opinion on "How's it all going to end?" As in, what major crisis is going to finally cause the American Giant to fall down and go boom? Guess what? There won't be a major crisis that does it.

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A large number of candidates play off against one another in the primaries. The media pay attention only to the Democrats and the Republicans, ignoring all the others, given that the system is devised so that they can never win.

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BALTIMORE - We live in a world of sin and sorrow, infected by a fraudulent democracy, Facebook, and a corrupt money system. Wheezing, weak, and weary from the exertion of trying to appear "normal," the economy staggers on.

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Amidst the scandal of the Panama Papers leak on Monday, one politician remains unfazed: Bernie Sanders. When Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca leaked 11.5 million documents to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), the

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There's ten months to go of Barack Obama's second term but Republicans don't want to let him nominate a liberal justice that will forever upset the balance of the court. They've pledged to block all of his nominees until after the November el

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We affirm our trend forecast, made one year ago, that Hillary Clinton will win the 2016 presidential race. We now forecast her Democratic challenger, Bernie Sanders, will be chosen as her vice presidential running mate.

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Washington (AFP) - Robotic systems and unmanned vehicles are playing an ever-growing role in the US military -- but don't expect to see Terminator-style droids striding across the battlefield just yet.

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RT reports, Iran-backed Shiite militia forces in Iraq have strongly opposed new US troops deployed in the country. The militias warned that if Washington does not withdraw its forces "immediately," they will deal with them "as forces of occupat

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U.S. officials were scrambling to heighten security at airports and train stations -- and were asking passengers to be alert -- after a shocking series of terror bombings ripped through a Brussels airport and one of the city's metro stations Tues

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Brian Ries for Mashable reports, The blossoming relationship between Cuba and the U.S. is not yet out of its awkward phase. U.S. President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raúl Castro shared a special one on Monday when, after their wide-ranging pre

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JOEL GEHRKE for the Washington Examiner reports, Russian President Vladimir Putin is deploying nuclear-armed submarines "dangerously close" to the United States and European allies, a Senate Democrat said following a trip to the Arctic Circle.

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As we watch President Obama being warmly welcomed in Cuba, we think back to the secret, shameful things done in the past by the US to undermine Castro, not counting the various assassination attempts. This report lays bare one of the most hair-raisin

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