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More US Weapons for Nazified Ukraine to Kill Russians and Donbass Civilians

Written by Subject: United States

More US Weapons for Nazified Ukraine to Kill Russians and Donbass Civilians

by Stephen Lendman

Why has hegemon USA hated Russia for over a century?

Why does the same reality apply to China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Syria, Nicaragua and other sovereign independent nations?

The empire of lies and forever wars on invented enemies hates and goes all-out to undermine nations free from its control.

Imperialism demands subservience. 

There's no tolerance toward nations unwilling to sell their souls — and sell out their people — to a higher power.

They're targeted for regime change in pursuit of the drive for unchallenged hegemony by the empire of lies and forever wars by hot and/or other means — especially Russia, China and Iran.

That explains why both right wings of the US war party support unparalleled sanctions and proxy hot war on the Russian Federation, a futile attempt to undermine, isolate and weaken the state.

Ignoring the failed agenda, the Biden regime continues to pour more weapons, munitions and related equipment into Nazified Ukraine in pursuit of hegemon USA's diabolical aims.

Since the Obama/Biden regime's 2014 coup, the US supplied Ukrainian Nazis with tens of billions of dollars worth of military aid — more of the same announced regularly because Russia destroyed 80% or more of what arrived.

Hegemon USA's latest contribution to forever proxy war on Russia was announced on Friday.

The Pentagon's so-called acting press secretary, Todd Breasseale, said the following:

"Today, the (Biden regime's war department) announced $270 million in additional (weapons et al) for Ukrain(ian)" Nazis.

"(V)alued at up to $175 million, (it includes various) weapons and equipment." 

Separately, so-called White House national security coordinator for strategic communications, John Kirby, said newly OK'd military aid to Kiev is valued at $270 million.

What's been supplied, with likely much more of the same coming, has nothing to do with prevailing militarily against vastly superior Russian Federation firepower and tactical skills.

It's all about supporting the scourge of Nazism in Europe's heartland, about attempting to perpetuate forever US proxy war — to kill more Russians and Donbass civilians. 

More HIMARS and related ammo are coming.

According to Russia's Defense Ministry, 5 US HIMARS and two related missile-transporter loaders were eliminated by high-precision weapons.

Others delivered by the empire of lies to Ukrainian Nazis will be destroyed in similar fashion ahead.

Russia's Defense Ministry explained the following:

"The M142 HIMARS is a highly mobile multiple launch rocket system…" 

"The launcher with six tubes of 227mm rockets or one ATACMS (Army Tactical Missile System) ballistic missile is mounted on a five-ton six-wheel chassis of FMTV (Family of Medium Tactical Vehicle) transporters."

"The launcher fires over 20 types of munitions with a strike range of 30 km to 80 km (for rockets) and 300 km and more for a tactical missile."

Along with 4 more HIMARS for Russia to target and destroy with high-precision weapons, the Biden regime already supplied — or will supply — the following:

Four Command Post Vehicles.

36,000 rounds of 105mm ammunition.

More anti-armor weapons, spare parts, and other equipment.

Around 580 Phoenix Ghost Tactical UAVs.

Since Russia's liberating SMO began on Feb. 24, the Biden regime provided Ukrainian Nazis with $8.2 billion worth of weapons et al — based on what was announced.

The real total may be much greater, including for US intelligence, along with unannounced numbers of Pentagon and CIA elements on the ground in Ukraine — orchestrating and directing its aggression on Donbass since spring 2014.

Now they're in charge of the same against liberating Russian forces, as well as for continued aggression against Lugansk and Donetsk civilians.

On July 22, the Biden regime's war department listed the following weapons et al supplied to Ukrainian Nazis since Russia's SMO began:

"Over 1,400 stinger anti-aircraft systems.

Over 6,500 javelin anti-armor systems.

Over 20,000 other anti-armor systems.

Over 700 switchblade tactical unmanned aerial systems.

126 155mm howitzers and up to 411,000 155mm artillery rounds.

72,000 105mm artillery rounds.

126 tactical vehicles to tow 155mm howitzers.

22 tactical vehicles to recover equipment.

16 high mobility artillery rocket systems and ammunition.

Four command post vehicles.

Two national advanced surface-to-air missile systems (NASAMS).

20 Mi-17 helicopters.

Counter-battery systems.

Hundreds of armored high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicles.

200 M113 armored personnel carriers.

Over 10,000 grenade launchers and small arms.

Over 59,000,000 rounds of small arms ammunition.

75,000 sets of body armor and helmets;

Approximately 700 phoenix ghost tactical unmanned aerial systems.

Laser-guided rocket systems.

Puma unmanned aerial systems.

Unmanned coastal defense vessels.

26 counter-artillery radars.

Four counter-mortar radars.

Four air surveillance radars.

Two harpoon coastal defense systems.

18 coastal and riverine patrol boats.

M18A1 claymore anti-personnel munitions.

C-4 explosives, demolition munitions, and demolition equipment for obstacle clearing.

Tactical secure communications systems.

Thousands of night vision devices, thermal imagery systems, optics, and laser rangefinders.

Commercial satellite imagery services.

Explosive ordnance disposal protective gear.

Chemical, biological, radiological protective equipment — perhaps chemical, biological and other banned weapons as well.

(Banned cluster munitions were supplied earlier).

Medical supplies to include first aid kits.

Electronic jamming equipment.

Field equipment and spare parts.

Funding for training, maintenance, and sustainment."

I leave it truth-telling military experts to judge the accuracy of what's listed above.

It's very clear that considerable training is required to operate what the US and other Western regimes supplied to Ukrainian troops.

It's also clear that US/Western forces are on the ground in Ukraine and occupied Donbass territory — directing the use of what's supplied.

Along with its Western vassals, the Biden regime's intent "to provide Ukraine with additional capabilities" is all about waging perpetual proxy war on Russia.

Of greatest concern is whether hegemon USA will escalate things to direct confrontation with Russia — the ominous threat of possible global war 3.0 with nukes.