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Surviving the Collapse

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The Organic Prepper by Daisy Luther

If you aren't already storing and conserving water, it is absolutely your top preparedness priority as our country suffers from the drought that has now reached epic proportions. Forget, for now, about the beans and rice – how are you going to co

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A respirator mask is a prep that is potentially lifesaving, doesn't cost a lot of money, and is oft-overlooked in the prepper world. Some folks like to invest in gas masks (which, of course, are irreplaceable during certain types of disasters) or t

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When the world collapses and society splinters into factions fighting for the scraps, you'll want to keep your friends close and your crypto closer. Whatever the cause of the fallout, economic disaster is certain. Fiat currency will be the first to

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(Natural News) Through the years, dogs have constantly proven why they deserve to be called "man's best friend." They're affectionate, dependable, protective, and smart, making them the perfect companion to have when SHTF. (h/t to ThePrepping

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I've been putting off writing about events to come in 2019 ?" 2020 for the simple reason that I don't think anyone is mentally prepared to accept the level of chaos that's coming.

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The Organic Prepper

One of the most overlooked parts of most people's preparations is spare parts for the equipment they plan to use in an emergency or a crisis. We all like to think we are covered when we have the actual items in our possession, but what if they brea

Home Grown Food