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Surviving the Collapse

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Article Image, James Howard Kunstler

I had a fellow on my latest podcast, released Sunday, who insists that the world population will crash 90-plus percent from the current 7.6 billion to 600 million by the end of this century.

Article Image, James Howard Kunstler

I had a fellow on my latest podcast, released Sunday, who insists that the world population will crash 90-plus percent from the current 7.6 billion to 600 million by the end of this century.

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Information Collection for the Prepper - Part 2 Most of the information discussed in these articles will be electronic files - specifically PDF and TIF files. This article will discuss how to safely store these files and use them before and af

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Once you know a storm is coming, the only sensible actions are to either protect yourself or to get out of the way. And so it has become time to roll up the Jay's Bar show and move along. If we simply vanish from view now, there won't be much in

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The Organic Prepper - Cat Ellis

How savvy are you about cybersecurity? Technology is ever-changing, and that alone can make it overwhelming. If you have put off learning how to protect your computer, however, I urge you change that ASAP. Preppers get a lot of information and produc

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I firmly believe that politics and politicians are NOT the answer--no matter who is in the White House (including the current occupant) or which party controls Congress. A return to the principles of Natural Law, a return to Reformation preaching (a

Article Image, By Gaye Levy

Periodically, I visit a number of Amazon lists to get a bead on both best selling and most wished for items. In the past I would look at lists related to outdoor recreation (which can be found in the second half of this article) but this time around

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In a letter to President Thomas Jefferson in 1787, John Adams wrote, "All the Perplexities, Confusion and Distress in America, arise not from defects in the Constitution or Confederation, nor from a want of Honor or Virtue, so much as from downrigh