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Surviving the Collapse

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A common plan tossed around by survivalists and preppers is this idea that in the event of martial law or some other crisis, they are going to head off to the hills, presumably for weeks or months, and just live off the land.

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Most preppers get caught up in the planning to "Bug Out", when in reality...You have a better chance of surviving if you "Bug In" and prepare to stay put!

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Has anyone heard of the LDS making moves in terms of their preparedness/survival aspect? There is a prominent family in my neighborhood that seemed to be cutting-out in a hurry a couple days ago. Mini-van packed to the hilt w/luggage for just the

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I fully realize that most of us Americans cannot fathom a world in which food cannot be obtained from the supermarket or fuel cannot be obtained from the corner gas station or that the power grid could be off line for more than a few hours

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If you're waiting for constitutions, elections, or other documents and rituals to make government into something that actually serves and protects the people, stop waiting. It won't ever happen. "Government" has always been the enemy of decent peo

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A large part of the population has, through voting, made it crystal clear that an entitlement culture is not only desired but imperative to providing for all aspects of living. Hence, democracy in America has become a circus and a spoils system in wh
