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Surviving the Collapse

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Living in Paper 2014

Interest in papercrete has exploded!...Given the skyrocketing costs of building materials & construction, and the pressing need for homes, it is just a matter of time before papercrete will begin to take its place as an acceptable and even desirable

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This past week saw an event revealing the cluelessness and ignorance of the linear thinking establishment. They are oblivious to the cyclicality of history and unaware of their precarious situation, as the mood of the country and the world portends t

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Next News Network

If civilization were to come to an end, through war, disease or other causes, would you and your family live through the Apocalypse? Predictions of doomsday have been heard throughout history, and so far, they have all proven false. That does not m

News Link • Global Reported By Uncle Freedom
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If you are thinking of moving out of the United States or just need a place to have a second home, consider Panama. There are many places that freedom-minded people are looking for as the United States is in the throes of a financial collapse and a

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