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Surviving the Collapse

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Andrew Henderson

The theme of this year’s event is “Fight or Flight?” Should you personally stay in the United States, or should you leave seeking greener pastures. Our cast of expert speakers will show you how to protect your money and your freedom no matter which o

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Houses on Kin’s Domains are built from natural materials that don’t burden the environment or people’s health. Such houses are built with regard to elements of architectural heritage of the region, and on the principle of “low impact housing”, using

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One would think that a forward-looking mind that has access to the greatest store of knowledge ever in human civilization would render a new golden age peopled by superior thinkers, new inventions and new areas of cognition that would propel us forwa

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From a Sarajevo War Survivor: Experiencing horrible things that can happen in a war - death of parents and friends, hunger and malnutrition, endless freezing cold, fear, sniper attacks.

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A certain number of people are naturally pessimistic, and some of those people might be expected to make such statements. And I’m sure that some do. But that doesn’t look to me like what is happening here.