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Surviving the Collapse

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Many mistake my interest in Crypto-Currencies and a Distributed Communication Network as a specific advocacy for particular methods. Bitcoin (a crypto currency) and efforts like (encrypting all information and bypassing the DOD’s Interne

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For many, disease, or without joy, is a way of life; from migraines to chronic back pain, they have accepted the Western idea that their condition is incurable and needs ongoing and expensive medication to keep their pain manageable. In a survival si

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Wilderness survival may require you to forage for food or medicine in order to stay alive. While the Earth is bountiful with animals and enveloped by plant life, certain survival situations can make this task seem impossible depending on the locatio

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There is a great deal of confusion about Faraday cages. Not only about how to build them, but also what they actually protect against. In this article, Dr. Arthur Bradley, author of Disaster Preparedness for EMP Attacks and Solar Storms, answers a fe
