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Surviving the Collapse

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1. Have Physical, Tangible Assets Secured on Hand. Sovereignman tells you why you should buy a safe, and store some cash and silver in there. Don't be dependent on institutions.

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If you don't have options, you are helpless. If you had only McDonalds to provide you food, you would not be able to make the choice to be healthy. If Monsanto monopolized the agricultural industry (which they are arguably attempting) then you cou

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(Natural News) And suddenly the storms of early Trumptopia subside, or seem to. The surface of things turns eerily placid as the sweets of May sweep away the toils of an elongated mud season.

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With most of us watching our pennies, buying a long gun for personal defense is not as cheap and easy as it once was. Recently I decided to try to find a true budget shotgun for personal defense but my tight budget had me doing mostly window shopping

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Why are so many people suddenly moving away from major U.S. cities? Recently, I wrote about the mass exodus that is happening out of the state of California, but the truth is that what is happening there is just part of a national phenomenon.

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Strike the Root

It may well be time to conclude that -- between the powers that shouldn't be, and an endlessly quarreling public ever fighting for support and control of those powers – long before any voluntaryist vision prevails en masse, society itself may sim

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Survivalism, the practice of preparing for the collapse of civilization, tends to evoke a certain picture: the woodsman in the tinfoil hat, the hysteric with the hoard of beans, the religious doomsayer.

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I know it's Christmas and you probably have a million things to do (I do too!) but I HAVE to tell you about this crazy little guy who showed up at my door today.
