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Surviving the Collapse

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As one humorist once said "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" and so it has been since time immemorial. Complain and vociferate in the public space and you will get the attention that you need, or at least crave.

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In this article, I will show you how to grow an abundance of food regardless of how much indoor or outdoor space you have. With options ranging from vertical gardens to windowsill starters and herbs, there are plenty of options to fit anyone's tigh

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Peacekeeper - Indiegogo

Peacekeeper is the world's first decentralized, peer-to-peer private protection system. We aim to build a new smartphone app, Peacekeeper 2.0...It will be a superior protection networking technology, an amazing alternative to the status quo. It wil

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My grandparents were born at the turn of the century, right around 1900. They were married around 1920, and my grandmother died in 1923, a year after my dad was born.

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When out in the wilderness, it can be a good idea to take along a backup fire-maker, just in case your matches get damp or rubbing sticks gets you nowhere. With this in mind, Survival Laces include a small fire starting kit, and some fishing line too

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Bratislava's Nice Architects has revealed some renders and preliminary details concerning its Ecocapsule: a micro-shelter that operates off-grid and promises impressive sustainable technology including solar power, rainwater collection and filtration

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Lew Rockwell - Daisy Luther

When disaster seems imminent, there's one vital decision that preppers have to make: bug in or bug out? The lyrics from the chorus of a song by The Clash sums it up – you've got trouble either way, but one way will be worse than the other.

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The phrase, "more bang for the buck," is usually associated with the Vietnam War. It is associated with Defense Secretary Robert McNamara's focus on statistics: military expenditures vs. enemy deaths.