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IPFS News Link • Agriculture

Join the Seed Saving Revolution!


Did you know that huge chemical and pharmaceutical companies have been taking over the global seed market over the last few decades?  We're talking about some of the biggest, baddest companies in existence – Monsanto, DuPont, Syngenta, and Dow.  You might ask yourself, "Why are these big chemical companies so interested in vegetable seeds?"  The answer is that controlling seeds is key to controlling the supply of food and medicine.

Now, what if I told you that there is something simple and easy that you can do to get involved and help.  All you have to do is start saving your own seeds.  Saving seeds is an easy way that you can personally take part in the future of our food security.  Only a few generations ago, our recent ancestors all kept their own seed supplies.  I'm not talking about ancient history, I'm talking about your great-grandparents.  They traded their favorite seeds with their friends and neighbors, and they passed on the best seeds to their children.  Unfortunately, most families stopped saving seeds over the last 100 years or so, and most of those old "heirloom" varieties of fruits and vegetables were lost.  Today gardeners around the world have recognized that this was a huge mistake, and they are beginning to save their own seeds in an effort to rescue the remaining heirloom varieties, and even to begin developing new ones.