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IPFS News Link • Surviving the Collapse

Place To Go When War Starts


As one humorist once said "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" and so it has been since time immemorial. Complain and vociferate in the public space and you will get the attention that you need, or at least crave. The grease gets thrown onto the axel in lashings. But, sit silently in the back seat and be driven along and nobody will look over their shoulder and see you slumped in the back of the car. But, that doesn't mean to say that you aren't there on that back bench somewhere. Just because you aren't squeaking, doesn't mean to say that you don't get from point A to point B. The others just don't notice that you are there.  The quietest ones are usually the safest anyhow, aren't they? The ones that will look after you when all hell breaks loose. 

Nobody can deny that the chances of war are increasing in the world.

Any amount of theory in international relations about how when a country gets a McDonald's fast-food restaurant, then they will no longer wage war because they will be too busy worry about the burgers that fill their stomachs (the Golden Arches Theory) will only go down the tubes and get smacked in the face by Ronald McDonald. History has a habit of creating repetition. Bis repetita placent or 'those things that please just get asked for again and again'.  We might well look around and so the growing number of repetitions in history that were announcements of the impending outbreak of World War II that are present today in the modern world in which we live. The unlikely alliances in the world, the  invasions and annexing of certain lands, the internal ethnic conflicts that are coming to boiling point not to add the burning fuel to the fire of the financial crisis that has reduced some to cinders.

So, when war breaks out, where should we go? According to the Global Peace Index from the Institute of Economics and Peace, the places to be when war does finally happen would be the following states.

Safest Places in the World

The ten highest ranking countries are all relatively small democracies that make few waves in the world.

10. Norway

09. Belgium

08. Japan

07. Canada

06. Finland