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IPFS News Link • Surviving the Collapse

Reality TV: Survival Style

• Organic Prepper - Daisy Luther

Most preppers don't live out in the boonies without television, internet, satellite, or some kind of streaming system for entertainment. Lots of us enjoy kicking back and watching a movie or program, particularly if we can tie it in with our lifestyle.

We've talked about choices for your prepper movie marathon and series to binge-watch, but what if you're looking for something non-fictional?  Forget the overblown shows that are designed to make us all look like fruitcakes. Check out some programs that showcase real survival skills.

When I asked you recently what your favorite things to watch were, I was looking more for fictional stuff. But it turns out, preppers like reality TV – just not shows about shallow characters like the people merely famous for being super-rich or people competing for the chance to marry somebody they don't even know.

We like our reality shows to actually be…well… reality.

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