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IPFS News Link • Surviving the Collapse

SELCO: What to Do If Unwanted People Show Up at Your Door When the SHTF

• The Organic Prepper by SELCO

We all have worries about people that will show up at our doorstep when SHTF.

I am thinking here about family members or friends that we know will be problematic when they show up. Either they are complete burdens without any real values in a truly hard situation or they might even possibly be a danger for us.

So what do we do with those folks?

What do they mean to us?

If they are friends, and they are not worth taking in when they show up then they are probably not real friends to you. If they are family then the situation is a bit different, because for family, it is often worth the effort to try to make something "useful" from them. SHTF makes bonds stronger and more important, and usually there, is no stronger bond than your own blood.

But again, it is the thing of mentality and it may be different in different part of the world.

What does reality look like?

When it comes to SHTF and what we expect, it almost always looks a bit different than we imagined it.

It is like that with the kind of people we are gonna cooperate and maybe live with when SHTF.

During our physical courses, we have different types of people as a students, and often on a course, we have at least one student who is completely different from the majority.

Let's say we have 5 students who are in good shape, physically in good condition, or skilled.

And then we have at least one who is out of shape or a bit less skilled. Or a student who is stubborn, or wants to play on his own.

And then, since we play a lot with group dynamics, we have students in situations where they are saying to us things like: "We can not finish the task, or be brilliant at the task because of that guy, his poor perfomance (or bad shape, or skills or no will to learn or whatever)."

We as a instructors say to the students, "Then imagine that person is a your father, mother, or that when SHTF your girlfriend shows up at your door with her old aunt. Are you are going to shoot them or learn to operate with them?".

Almost always, they as a group find a solution to operate as a group, and what is even more important that person too learns their own value just like their own imperfections.

It is reality.

You will cooperate with people who you love or hate, or people who slow you down, but you will have to manage that somehow. 

Why are they going to show up?

The first and easiest step in solving this problem of not wanting people on your doorstep is to start from this: "Why will they want to show up?"

*Do you pose yourself over the years as a secure place to them if something serious happens?

*Do you "paint" yourself as a person who definitely knows what to do if the world as we know it were to suddenly collapse?

*Or do you drag that person along by helping to him all his life, even if you clearly know that person does not deserve it, so you know if something really bad happen that person going to look for you immediately?

*Is it simply a matter of good old lack of OPSEC, because over the years you keep talking to that person that he (or she) needs to get it together and start to prepare because bad things are coming, and you show him how well prepared you are as an example?

Whichever answer might be, if you do not want this person to show up. it is probably best to solve that now, and not when SHTF. If you do not want that person with you now it is time to cut all connections and to make that clear to him.
