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Africa: On the Map

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Article Image - Stefan Molyneux

The mere mention of South Africa in a discussion provokes deep images of institutional racism, discrimination and horrific violence. An in-depth look at the controversial history of South Africa, Stefan Molyneux separates the fact from fiction and di

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Kepher Otieno - Standard Digital

Farmers in Awendo, Muhoroni and Chemelil sugar belt have threatened to stop delivering cane to the State-owned millers until they are paid. Kenya National Federation of Sugarcane Farmers Secretary General Ezra Okoth and branch federation officia

News Link • Global Reported By Naked Sheriff
Article Image by Gateway Pundit and Dr. Henry Louis Gates reported that between 1525 and 1866, in the entire history of the slave trade to the New World, 12.5 million Africans were shipped to the New World. Only about 388,000 were shipped to North America.

Article Image by Richard Mills

A lot of resource investors stop listening to corporate presentations when they learn the company's project is in Africa. More often than not the country risk of exploring for minerals is just too big a gamble for retail investors' hard-earne

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Deputy head of Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North rebel group says he and colleagues were forcibly sent to Juba. An opposition leader in Sudan says the country's ruling military has forcibly removed him and two of his colleagues to neighbo

News Link • Global Reported By Jim Fulner
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One of the promising hotspots for oil and gas exploration drilling this year - South Africa's offshore - has just yielded a massive natural gas and condensate find that could open a new exploration province for oil majors and change the energy fort

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Bouazza Ben Bouazza

TUNIS, Tunisia - Thousands gathered Monday in Tunisia's capital as the country marked eight years since a democratic uprising ousted its long-time strongman. The rally came amid deepening economic troubles in the North African nation and resurgen

News Link • Global Reported By Jim Fulner
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"I think Nigerian-Americans offer a unique, flashy style and flavor that people like," says Chukwuemeka Onyejekwe, who goes by his rap name Mekka Don. He points to Nigerian cuisine like jollof rice that's gaining popularity in the U.S. But more