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Africa: On the Map

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The Daily Bell

Celebrations are in order on the poorest continent. Never in the half-century since it won independence from the colonial powers has Africa been in such good shape.

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Malawi farmers, many of whom are women, also play a critical role in the program's success. They have embraced the initiative and constantly look to improve their efforts through testing of crop rotations, nutrient-enriched legumes, drought-tolera

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The bloodshed at the In Amenas gas facility in Algeria has brought into focus the deteriorating situation in north and west Africa and the role of France in the region.

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New York Times

The United States military is preparing to establish a drone base in northwest Africa so that it can increase surveillance missions on the local affiliate of Al Qaeda and other Islamist extremist groups that pose a growing menace to the region.

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The United States is significantly expanding its assistance to a French assault on Islamist militants in Mali by offering aerial refueling and planes to transport soldiers from other African nations, the Pentagon announced Saturday night.

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1)   The LIFG was listed as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) by the U.S.State Department, the UNSecurity Council and the UK Home Office before it officially disbanded in February 2011 and merely renamed itself the Libyan Islamic Movement for Change. In 2007 Al-Qaeda announced the merger of Al-Qaeda and the LIFG.

Letters to the Editor • Global
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Asia Times - Pepe Escobar

One's got to love the sound of a Frenchman's Mirage 2000 fighter jet in the morning. Smells like... a delicious neo-colonial breakfast in Hollandaise sauce. Make it quagmire sauce.