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Africa: On the Map

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In a "call to arms" for conservation biologists, NGOs, and governments to guide this investment to both encourage economic development and safeguard natural habitat, author Bill Laurance and his colleagues catalogue known mineral deposits and exa

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zero hedge

Last week President Obama explained "Africa also happens to be one of the continents where America is most popular," and added that the US is "deeply interested in working with Africa, not to extract natural resources alone."

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For the last two years, TomDispatch Managing Editor Nick Turse has been following the Pentagon and the latest U.S. global command, AFRICOM, as they oversaw the expanding operations of the American military across that continent: drones, a special ops

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Eyewitness News has learnt the High Court in Pretoria has ordered the arrest of the chief of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF), the secretary of defence and the head of the air force for being in contempt of court.

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DAKAR, Senegal (AP) — The Ebola outbreak ravaging West Africa is "totally out of control," according to a senior official for Doctors Without Borders, who says the medical group is stretched to the limit in its capacity to respond

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Amid the horrific headlines about the fanatical Islamist sect Boko Haram that should make Nigerians cringe, here’s a line from a recent Guardian article that should make Americans do the same, as the U.S. military continues its “pivot” to Africa:

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Al Jazerra

Gunfire hit 3 US military aircraft responding to the outbreak in violence in South Sudan, wounding 4 US service members and heavily damaging at least 1 of the aircraft. South Sudan blamed the attack on renegade troops in control of the breakaway regi

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Time magazine

In a White House letter to the leaders of the Senate and the House of Representatives, Obama said that although the troops were “equipped for combat,” they were sent only “for the purpose of protecting U.S. citizens and property.”

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“Apartheid is an affront to human rights and human dignity. Normal and friendly relations cannot exist between the United States and South Africa until it becomes a dead policy. Americans are of one mind and one heart on this issue.”

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Daniel Greenfield at

For Western liberals, Mandela’s death provides them with permission to stop caring about South Africa. Having reduced South Africa to Mandela, his death permanently removes its existence from their minds.

News Link • Global Reported By J E Andreasen
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The past decade has seen slow and steady economic growth across the continent of Africa. But economist Charles Robertson has a bold thesis: Africa's about to boom. He talks through a few of the indicators -- from rising education levels to expanded g

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The modern pirates of West Africa and Somalia are no swashbuckling buccaneers.