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Africa: On the Map

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The Political Commentator

Obama administration reaction to the killing of Americans in Algeria has been eerily similar to the reaction when Americans were killed and U.S. sovereign territory was attacked in Benghazi. Inaction, empty rhetoric and the ceding any action to t

News Link • Global Reported By Michael Haltman
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Lew Rockwell blog

The United States, incapable of allowing a military intervention to pass by without jumping on board, dutifully followed France in the Libya debacle, blowback from which was responsible for the re-igniting of the Touareg rebellion in Mali. France, wi

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der Spiegel

Huge bureaucracies are financed (with the aid money), corruption and complacency are promoted, Africans are taught to be beggars and not to be independent. Development aid weakens the local markets everywhere and dampens entrepreneurship.

Article Image, By DANIEL HALPER

"The United Nations wants to use drones for the first time to monitor fighting in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, where Rwanda has been accused of aiding rebels," says the report, quoting U.N. officials.

Article Image, by Eric Margolis

It says much when the long-time rulers of two of Africa’s largest, most important nations, Egypt’s Husni Mubarak and Ethiopia’s Meles Zenawi, had to fly to Europe for critical medical treatment because their own nations lacked facilities and speciali

Article Image, by Eric Margolis

It says much when the long-time rulers of two of Africa’s largest, most important nations, Egypt’s Husni Mubarak and Ethiopia’s Meles Zenawi, had to fly to Europe for critical medical treatment because their own nations lacked facilities and speciali

Article Image, By Craig Whitlock

Six months after President Obama ordered 100 elite troops to help capture the messianic warlord Joseph Kony, U.S. military commanders said Sunday that they have been unable to pick up his trail but believe he is hiding in this country’s dense jungle.

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