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Africa: On the Map

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Africa is urbanizing at an alarmingly fast rate, nearly twice the rate of China. According to the African Development Bank, over five hundred million people will move into Africa's cities in the next thirty-five years. Nigeria's commercial capita

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Although 2016 was a tough year for many African economies, almost every trend on the continent has been moving in the right direction over the last decade. Per capita income, foreign investment, agricultural productivity, mobile banking, entrepreneur

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Our vision at is to bring African voices for liberty to the wider world and work with African media to disseminate policy ideas for a new century of peace, freedom, and prosperity.

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When African countries feature in Western politics, it's invariably a debate over aid versus trade. In September, Barack Obama hosted a forum in New York designed to promote trade between America and Africa. "From Senegal to South Africa, African

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Here's a notable aquaponics story this Thirst-day. A 13-year-old girl from north of Pretoria, South Africa runs a promising aquaponics startup while still in school as shown in this inspiring video from October, 2015. On the Expresso Show.

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Across the world there is a war being waged against cash. Driven in part by increasingly bankrupt banks - some of which are quasi-governmental themselves - governments are thinking of ways to extract the last dollar from their taxpayers.