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Philosophy: Anarchism

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OpEdNews (video)

The Founding Fathers dressed up as Indians to dump tea into the harbor for what is known as the Boston Tea Party. They boarded commercial vessels and destroyed the cargo on board to protest the tax. They disguised themselves because they could'

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Christians support for, the U.S. government’s latest military adventure often recite the mantra, "Obey the powers that be," a loose paraphrase of Romans 13:1, as if that somehow means that Christians should blindly follow whatever the gover

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When we give government our responsibility we also give it our liberty. The more liberty that government has, the less we have. This works both ways. That is why our founders tried to restrain the government with the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

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The Anti-Federalists, who we are generally taught to consider fools and paranoiacs, make all sorts of eerily accurate predictions on the effects of adopting the Constitution; when they err, it is usually because they are not pessimistic enough.

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Libertarians, especially of the anarchist variety, are often accused of wanting a world of disorder. It is the inevitable tendency of humans to organize themselves socially, and to form rules for civilized conduct, we are often told.

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A few days before the Denver convention to nominate the Libertarian Party presidential candidate for 2008, it appears that the frequently-mentioned Dallas Accord of 1974 is dead. Whether a purging of the anarchists occurs

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Studying up on libertarian philosophy in prep for the Convention later this month, I ran across some thoughts on anarchy that I found interesting. This experimental video attempts to share some of that information.

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Check Your Premises

Suppose there were a magic button sitting in front of you. Suppose that button would instantly reduce the federal government to only $200 billion. Would you refuse to push the button — even if you want the federal government to be 0 dollars?

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Keene Free Press

Mere accident of birth is not justification for being ruled by government. A person can be born here, want to live, and still not want to be part of the system. A contract is made when both parties consent. When one party is not consenting, it's

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by Michael S. Rozeff (LewRockwell)

The biggest obstacle to living altogether without political government as we now know it is the fear or reluctance to live in freedom. The second biggest obstacle is the risk of changing from the present condition of society to a condition of freedom

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Middlebury Institute

In answer to interest in realistic responses to the excesses of the American empire, The Middlebury Institute has been launched by a group of activists and professionals to promote the serious study of separatism, secession, self-determination.

News Link • Global Reported By Geoffrey Hayes
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L. Neil Smith

"...dealing with these subcreatures has caused me to consider whether there's any real need for city government at all, or if it's just another deep, flowing trough where otherwise unemployable hogs can gorge themselves at our expense.**

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Liberty for All

"To be governed is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded by creatures who have neither the right

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Mike Wadin for Strike the Root

It’s amazing that people are so stupid that they would vote their own rights away. As Ron Paul explained Democracy Is Not Freedom, in fact quite the opposite, it’s slavery and Communist in nature.

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The Molinari Institute

The mission of the Molinari Institute is to promote understanding of the philosophy of Market Anarchism as a sane, consensual alternative to the hypertrophic violence of the state. It takes its name from Gustave de Molinari, originator of the theory

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What if there was an election and nobody came? Would the government’s justification for ruling us go away? I think maybe the various levels of government would argue that we our chance to vote several times a year. That one time they allowed a vote o