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Philosophy: Anarchism

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Lew Rockwell Blog

This little episode of Schoolhouse Rocks focuses upon the insights of Saint Augustine in his monumental masterwork, The City of God, Book IV, Chapter 4, “How Like Kingdoms Without Justice are to Robberies,” and applies it to contemporary matters of s

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Lew Rockwell Blog

Withdrawing consent to the state means more than this innocuous phrase may suggest. To withdraw consent is far-reaching. It means a divorce from the state insofar as this is possible. It means having no loyalty to the state,

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Lew Rockwell blog

“By anarchy I first mean an absolute rejection of violence. Hence I cannot accept either nihilists or anarchists who choose violence as a means of action. I certainly understand the resort to aggression, to violence.” I agree with non-aggression

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Lew Rockwell blog

The head of a British government school tries to wreck a young man’s life for making fun of some of his teachers, and especially for writing this on his blog:

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Lew Rockwell blog

Even gives a plug to anarcho-Detroit in this story on urban farming entrepreneurs. Detroit urban farmer Greg Willerer is right when he notes the city’s lack of government and the capability of people in Detroit’s anarcho-communities to

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Meet the Blush family. They represent a growing faction of libertarians that mix the rugged individualism of Spooner with the self-reliance of Thoreau. And they’re making a reality show. You might think they’re crazy. After all,

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Wendy McElroy

I support the EFF, and I was going to put their graphic up...but the damned thing says "Call Congress Now," and that's an action I can't condone. Asking the U.S. government to respect/protect your privacy is like asking a rapist to wear a condom.

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Wendy McElroy

How does the government finance the surveillance? Governments seek to exert power and control over their citizens. Made possible only by the collection of taxes and the coercive monopolization of public services, such as courts, army and police.

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Dollar Vigilante

Beyond those frustrations lives an almost universal belief that one day an event, or a series of events, will occur setting into motion the elimination of government which will be replaced by a society based solely on voluntary connections.

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The ability to opt out and remain unmolested by the rulers in the nation you live in is the only qualifiable marker of true individual freedom (I don’t know what the hell collectivist freedom is so I will remain with the preamble to be specific).

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The Price of Liberty

Not a “conspiracy.” A pogrom. “A massacre or persecution instigated by the government or by the ruling class against a minority group, particularly Jews.” Only instead of “Jews,” this time it is independent thinkers, productive people who would rath

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The war I'm talking about is the war between individuals and the state. You see, governments have already lost. They just don't know it yet. There has been a war going on between collectivizing, coercive government and the allied forces of individual