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Philosophy: Anarchism

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States, without exception, eventually collapse because they grow beyond those things that can be tolerated or sustained becoming top-heavy, fragile constructs. Stop being dependent to avoid the pain if the inevitable collapse happens in your lifetime

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The Telegraph

It's already beginning. We used to need banks to keep track of who owned what. Not any more. Bitcoin proved banks can be replaced with software and clever math. Programmers of libertarian bent ask what else we don't need?

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In the 19th and early 20th century, anarchism was in many ways making strides into mainstream culture and thought. It was not through theory that this occurred, but rather through immediate expressions of one's autonomy. This revolutionary method was

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Adam vrs. The Man

Enjoy the pre-release digital versions of the book below. Please sign up for our email list with the form on the left and come back on July 4th for the official release, featuring the print edition, foreign language editions, FREEDOM! shirts, and mor

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Lew Rockwell blog

Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche is one of the most respected, living Tibetan Buddhist teachers. Right at the beginning of this video, he says that Anarchism is the greatest gift the West offers the rest of the world.

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Strike The Root

It’s now been almost 11 years since the publication and release of Marc Stevens’ first book, Adventures in Legal Land, a volume which has heretofore – along with Marc’s radio show – served as a primary point of reference for Voluntaryists and others

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If one group of people prefers strong government control and management of people's lives while another group prefers liberty and desires to be left alone, should they be required to enter into conflict with one another and risk loss of life in order

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by Wendy McElroy (Daily Anarchist)

Everyone who produces and pays taxes is living for others to some degree. Their time, which is their life, supports the salaries of government workers and the entitlements of tax consumers. In Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged, a group of producers withdra

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by Wendy McElroy

The great political lie is individuals need the state. It is a lie on two levels.The first layer of the great lie: It states the opposite of what is true; the state needs individuals. And the state is desperate for you to believe it is indispensable

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It's time to unveil the "secret project" I've been working on for many weeks now, and introduce people to someone who I believe can and will spread the message of true freedom farther and faster than anyone else I know.

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It's time to unveil the "secret project" I've been working on for many weeks now, and introduce people to someone who I believe can and will spread the message of true freedom farther and faster than anyone else I know.

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Daily Anarchist

Before you can build something new you have to tear down something old. So, we’re going to do some tearing down. It’s going to be uncomfortable, but given the situation we’re in today, it’s time to get serious. Too much is at stake. There have been t

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The Local Voluntary

A workplace discussion with some colleagues at the office goes from Bitcoin to the point of taxation and regulation. The point of contention eventually became whether or not the tax code was voluntary, and what that meant. This led to an email exch

News Link • Global Reported By Michael Baysek
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Attorney For Freedom Show

Today on The Attorney For Freedom Show our guest is Stefan Molyneux. Sitting in with Marc and Mike today is their good friend Kristin Dorn, who will be joining them on future shows as well.