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Philosophy: Anarchism

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What seems to be brewing in the Tea Party movement both intrigues and disturbs me. It's just a straw in the wind, of no real significance itself, but a foreshadowing of something ominous.

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Why is it that legislation defining the crimes of treason and sedition soon follows in the wake of the establishment of every nation-state? The answer is reasonably simple

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As Robert Heinlein put it, "Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free."

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You’re an individual. You have rights regardless of your skin color, your gender, your place of birth, or any other arbitrary characteristic. They are inherent

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Wendy McElroy

The classical definition of the State is an institution which possesses one or both (and almost always both) of the following characteristics: (1) it acquires its income by physical coercion, Known as taxation; and (2) it asserts and maintains a coer

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The Libertarian Enterprise

You live in a police state. The government is arbitrary. Anything you do is illegal if they say so. Everyone who works for government in any capacity at any level is evil. Evil is as evil does. The work of government is funded by theft. Much of th

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Wendy McElroy

LeFevre urged his readers to suppose that they had a button before them. The button was to be wired in such a manner that when it was pushed it would do away with all vestiges of government: And let us suppose... that all persons who are thus occu

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Wendy McElroy

Somewhere in the history of libertarianism, this rejection of the State has been eroded to the point that anarchists are now aspiring politicians and can hear the words "anarchist Senator" without flinching. No longer is libertarianism directed again

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Written By:

Hi Ernest, I just heard your show with Sharleen B from The Zeitgeist Movement and I wanted to answer your question about defining freedom. If you want to have complete freedom, the only way to achieve this is at the expense of the freedom of others

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What do you have to show for all of your zealous, noble efforts to achieve freedom so far? Maybe it's because the problem is not what you think it is.

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C4SS / Kevin Carson

Zuckerman dismisses most of the leaked cables as no more than gossipy trivia about Putin’s personality, and suggests Assange’s supporters care nothing about Wikileaks’ effect on the ability of government officials to promote “peace and security”

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C4SS / Thomas L. Knapp

The purpose of political government is to suck the blood out of the productive class and pump it into the waiting veins of the political class. The dilemma of the political class is figuring out how much blood it can take without killing the donor.
