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Ron Paul Says...

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Politicians and the obedient media endlessly predicted that a Russian invasion of Ukraine was "imminent." Many even conveniently told us "invasion day" would be today, February 16. Some even told us the time. All were wrong. But they still want us to

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

The mayor of Canada's Capital, Ottawa, has declared a state of emergency over the "Freedom Convoy" that has protested for ten days against Covid mandates. He has instructed his police to arrest anyone bringing fuel or any other kind of assistance to

Article Image by Ron Paul Liberty Report

While the Fed, and all of its cheerleaders engender false confidence from the public, they also have false confidence in themselves. That which they believe they can control, they ultimately cannot.

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said yesterday that the Administration approved of Spotify's initial steps of adding warning labels to programs like Joe Rogan's, but she insisted that Spotify and other platforms must "do more" to fight "misinfo

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Over the last century, Americans willingly (and unwillingly) traded in the "American Dream" and freedom for a corporatist system of "rule by experts" and obedience. It was a very bad trade for the people, and a very good trade for the so-called "expe

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Biden's Surgeon General Vivek Murthy went on MSNBC to join the pile-on on the world's most popular podcaster, Joe Rogan. According to the bureaucrat, Rogan must be silenced because he expresses opinions not endorsed by him or his bosses in the Admini

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

After weeks of hysterically hyping the story that Russia is poised to invade Ukraine, Pentagon Spokesman John Kirby walked way back as Ukraine's own government officials called nonsense on the narrative. Was the whole thing just bluster for ratings?

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

The US Senate will soon vote on Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell's nomination to a second term. One of the senators opposing Powell is Elizabeth Warren. I don't often agree with Senator Warren, but I do agree with her assessment that Powell

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Israel's hyper-vaccine policy has hit the skids with a new study showing that the fourth booster is "not good enough" against current covid. Suddenly the vax mandate makes no sense - which has just been admitted by Israel's vaccine chief. Also today:

Article Image by Ron Paul Liberty Report

Democracy is a word that never appears in America's founding documents. America was founded as "the land of the free." People fled persecution, from all over the world, to reach America for freedom. America wasn't founded to vote for yourself other p

Article Image by Ron Paul

A recent Washington Post/University of Maryland poll found that 34 percent of Americans think violent action against the government can be justifiable.

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Sen. Paul was prepared as Anthony Fauci returned to the Senate to face questioning. Previous chapters of this saga have been heated - and revealing - but yesterday's cage match was loaded with truth bombs. Also today - the World Health Organization a

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

A recent Washington Post/University of Maryland poll found that 34 percent of Americans think violent action against the government can be justifiable. This view is held by 40 percent of Republicans and 23 percent of Democrats.
