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President Joe Biden has ordered the Financial Stability Oversight Council to prepare a report on how the financial system can mitigate the risks related to climate change.

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President Joe Biden has ordered the Financial Stability Oversight Council to prepare a report on how the financial system can mitigate the risks related to climate change.

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Populist Party -

What if the American people learn the truth: that our foreign policy has nothing to do with national security and that it never changes from one administration to the next?

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Despite overwhelming evidence that the vast majority of children do not become seriously ill or pass on the virus, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky testified before Congress yesterday that they must continue to wear their masks! Even as everyone else i

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Why are the people who trespassed in the US Capitol Building on January 6th being detained for months in solitary confinement? Why have they been denied bail for mostly minor crimes? Why are they being held in particularly inhuman conditions despite

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

If a state as big as Texas joined Florida and succeeded in thumbing its nose at "the science" - which told us that for the first time in history healthy people should be forced to stay in their houses and wear oxygen-restricting face masks -

Article Image by Ron Paul

April's 4.2 percent past year increase in the Consumer Price Index is not likely to dissuade the Federal Reserve from continuing its policy of near-zero interest rates.

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

The CDC's surprise Friday announcement that vaccinated people no longer need masks indoors or outdoors caught the Covid cultists off-guard. Suddenly major US grocery chains like Costco and Trader Joes announced "no masks" for vaccinated customers - a

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

The US continues to pursue force across the globe, with ever-increasing military budgets, sanctions, and threats, while China continues to make deals across the globe, arriving with bags of money to make investments. Which one is more sustainable? Al

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

As more of the Covid narrative unravels, the CDC has announced that the shots are not approved for young children. Meanwhile the Association of American Surgeons and Physicians has issued an urgent letter to US universities urging them to abandon any

Article Image by Ron Paul

Centers for Diseases Control (CDC) Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky has "recommended" that children wear masks while playing. Her offered reason is to ensure Covid is not spread by "heavy breathing" of children near each other while around a so

Article Image by Ron Paul

During his weekly media blitz over the weekend, Fauci claimed that Americans should be ready for more mask mandates into the indefinite future. He claims the masks eliminated the flu during the Covid outbreak.

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

The Facebook oversight board has backed the social media website's decision to ban former President Donald Trump from using its product. The claim is that Trump violated the company's terms of service. Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley has

Article Image by Ron Paul

Reading Jonathan Culbreath's "Modern Monetary Theory for Conservatives" one can't help but think of Murray Rothbard's quip that "it is not a crime to be ignorant of economics … but it is totally irresponsible to have a loud and vocifero

Article Image by Ron Paul

Libertarian artist, educator, and philosopher Pho Chan joins today's Liberty Report to explain how the statists can best be challenged with music and humor. How to connect with a younger generation now seemingly attracted to socialism and authoritari

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

From media to government to military to the "non-profit" sector, corruption seems to be tearing the United States apart. The media lies, the "watchers" are not being watched, billions of dollars are being transferred to the wealthy elites. Is the sys

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

After warning repeatedly of new waves and dark days, President Biden's chief Covid advisor Dr. Fauci has again flip-flopped. No longer is it "science" to wear masks outside, he says, after urging outdoor mask-wearing just months ago. Why Fauci's chan

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