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Ron Paul Says...

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

ISIS is back, we are told. Suddenly after a prolonged silence the ISIS threat is now being used to justify expanding the US presence in the Middle East. Last Thursday, however, President Biden ordered an airstrike on one of the Iraqi militias formed

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

We live in unprecedented times of governmental, bureaucratic and authoritarian overreach. It is no surprise that The Federal Reserve, with its extreme counterfeiting of money and credit has also extended itself way beyond what anyone could have imagi

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Astonishingly, the UK public health authority has announced that this flu season has not seen a single case of influenza. The US and elsewhere are showing similar numbers. Has the flu disappeared? If so, why? The "experts" are claiming that hand-wash

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Mainstream media is reporting the "grim milestone" of 500,000 Covid deaths. Is the number accurate? Are such headlines meant to keep the fear turned up to 10, or to inform the audience? A Wall Street Journal op-ed over the weekend predicts "herd immu

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Gazillionaire globalist Bill Gates has a new book out on how to tackle what he sees as the problem of climate change. One of his guidelines to save the planet? Give up your meat and grab a "plant-based" burger instead. 'You can get used to the taste

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

Last week's second impeachment trial of former President Trump should serve as a warning that something is very wrong in US politics. Far from a measured, well-investigated, rock-solid case against the former president, America was again abused wit

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

The Lincoln Project was founded by a group of "never-Trump" Republicans, including the former presidential campaign manager of John McCain. While the anti-Trump "resistance" types wrote big checks, the Lincoln Project founders banked big bucks for th

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

The century-old big government obsession in America is getting old and weathered. Debts that are never-ending...Wars that are never-ending...One Federal Reserve economic bubble after another...Social-Cultural manias...All are coming to a head at some

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According to the Miami Herald, the Biden Administration is considering imposing travel restrictions on some states, including Florida, to combat what it claims is the spread of "mutated" coronavirus. Is this science...or politics?

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Proving that nothing really substantive changes in Washington, the Biden Administration announced this week that it would continue to seek the extradition of Julian Assange, who faces 17 counts of espionage in the US. Also today, the Biden Administra

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Today begins the bizarre second impeachment of former president Donald Trump. The chief justice of the Supreme Court has declined to participate even though that is required by the Constitution. No witnesses. Is this just a political show trial? Also

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Top Biden Administration Covid advisor Tony Fauci is back to warn Americans that "now is not the time" to get together with friends to watch the Super Bowl this Sunday. He said the same about Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Eve. He warned of

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

The Senate trial of former president Donald Trump is a farce, dead on arrival, and a mockery of justice. The votes for conviction are not there, as we learned from last week's procedural vote on constitutionality. The idea of removing someone from of

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

According to CNN, the CDC is demanding that people wear two masks when on public transport. Failure to comply could result in prosecution according to the news report. Is there any science behind it? Dr. Fauci surprisingly provides the answer. Also t