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Ron Paul Says...

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

A motivation for Yellen's push for a global minimum corporate tax is fear that the Biden administration's proposed increase in the US corporate tax will cause some American corporations to flee the US for countries with lower corporate taxes.

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

A month after Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced an end to all coronavirus restrictions, covid numbers continue to crash in the state. While Fauci was quick to attack Abbott's move to open Texas, when asked this week why the doom he predicted did n

Article Image by Ron Paul

Investigative journalist Julie Kelly has gone where few mainstream journalists have dared to go: deep into the US government cases against the January 6th "insurrectionists." What she found is shocking. Is the government pursuing actual justice...or

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

How successful would the political classes be in expanding their powers if they had to deal with a population of individuals that were unafraid and who guarded their liberty with their lives? Liberty requires eternal vigilance. Be wary of the fear pe

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Mainstream media is reporting that the Biden Administration is seriously looking into establishing some kind of Federal vaccine passport system, where Americans who cannot (or will not) prove to the government they have been jabbed with the experimen

Article Image by Ron Paul

Socialism & Fascism are two sides of the same totalitarian coin, with the latter ideology being an offshoot of the former. While Socialism preaches the State being the sole owner of the means of production, Fascism preaches a partnership of State (Po

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Ron Paul Liberty Report -

Over the past year the Covid testing industry has blasted into the stratosphere to become a $ 00 billion per year industry. Powerful and influential forces are making a fortune from tests that have been proven largely inaccurate and Americans are bei

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Suddenly we are facing a "crisis" at the border, with tens of thousands pouring in illegally. Democrats are starting to see the crisis in humanitarian terms and Republicans are seeing the crisis in political terms. Both are partly right, but both are

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Democracy is useful for the peaceful transfer of power. However, in an of itself, Democracy does not equal "Freedom." In fact, neither the Declaration of Independence, nor The U.S. Constitution mention the word "Democracy" anywhere. Is it a coinciden

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

As Americans watch their bills relentlessly rise, they're repeatedly told by official sources that there is no inflation, or 'not enough' inflation. According to the Fed, prices aren't rising fast enough! They've yet to hit their "inflation target."

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

From Syria to Iran to Afghanistan to Russia, President Biden's early promises to focus on diplomacy rather than the alleged brute force of the Trump Administration has not been followed up with action. In fact, US foreign policy is as militaristic as