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Ron Paul Says...

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Pundits are having a field day making fun of President Trump's recent comment that less coronavirus testing would probably result in less Covid in the country. They accuse him of doltish behavior and head-in-the-sand thinking. Do they have a point? W

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Just when it seemed we might get a moment without Covid hysteria or riot hysteria, Dr. Fauci is back and telling us that this coronavirus is his "worst nightmare." But he assured attendees at a vaccine industry conference that there's a lot of profit

Article Image By Daniel McAdams

Suddenly there is no talk about coronavirus. Reputable doctors in Italy, the UK, and elsewhere are claiming the virus hardly exists any longer. Just over a week ago much of America faced jail if they dared break the "social distancing" rules put

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

The Federal Reserve has been increasing the supply of dollars at levels not seen in at least 40 years. Even the money pump during the 2008 financial crisis pales in comparison to today's central bank counterfeiting. Just as the lockdowns will produce

Article Image by RonPaulLibertyReport

Who's in charge? Is The Fed responsible for 40 million unemployed? The concept of a "Deep State" may be a new one for Americans to come to grips with, but unaccountable power is as old as the hills. Liberty & sound money are the only neutralizing age

Article Image by RonPaulLibertyReport

Think of it as the REAL ID on steroids. The airlines and sectors of government are pushing for a biometric "immunity passport" to prove that one is not corona contagious before flying, attending large events, maybe even going to work. Is this the num

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

The Federal Reserve is an unconstitutional government-created monopoly. Bankers and politicians can act recklessly, while the rest of the population suffers the consequences and pays the price

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Thanks to trillions in "bailout money" passed by Congress, thousands of "contact tracers" will soon descend on the country demanding to test people for the coronavirus, to track down those they've been in contact with, and potentially to impose invol

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

A Fresno, California waffle restaurant dared to open its doors for business this weekend to the delight of a long line of customers, who waited up to two hours for the "privilege" of willingly spending their money in a business happy to serve the