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Ron Paul Says...

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

A viral video made by medical professionals opposing the prevailing mainstream view of how to manage the coronavirus outbreak was nearly sent down the memory hole in an effort seemingly coordinated by all social media outlets. Why are alternate scien

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

If some Congress members get their way, the Federal Reserve may soon be able to track many of your purchases in real time and share that information with government agencies. This is just one of the problems with the proposed "digital dollar" or

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Motorcycle accidents ruled Covid deaths? In the rush to paint Florida as the epicenter of the "second wave" of the coronavirus outbreak, government officials and their allies in the mainstream media have stooped to ridiculous depths to maximize t

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Everybody is talking about yesterday's Chris Wallace interview with President Trump. Many in the mainstream media are praising Wallace's forceful, even combative tone. And Fox News did "real time" fact checking of Trump's claims. But beyond the blows

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Why hasn't US Occupational Safety and Health Administration bothered to do any testing on the potential negative effects of mandatory workplace face masks? An increasing number of individuals has tested C02 level build-up inside masks using OSHA-appr

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

The Federal Reserve manipulates the money supply by buying and selling government securities. This means that when the Fed decides to pump money into the economy, it does so by putting it in the pockets of wealthy, and oftentimes politically-connecte

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Media and politicians are using the reported massive increase in positive Covid test results to call for another US lockdown. Meanwhile there are increasing doubts as to the accuracy of the tests. New Jersey is mandating masks and two Texas counties

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

The rule "first do no harm" appears to have been thrown out the window in the response to the 2019 coronavirus outbreak. Some studies suggest that for every "Covid" death there could be 29 deaths due to the lockdowns worldwide. Famine, depression, su

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

We cannot go back to the pre-coronavirus world, they tell us. Everything has changed and we must accept a "new normal." What does this "new normal" look like? It looks a lot like a dystopian horror film, where privacy is destroyed, property is subjec

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

In a sign that the Federal Reserve is growing increasingly desperate to jump-start the economy, the Fed's Secondary Market Credit Facility has begun purchasing individual corporate bonds.
