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Ron Paul Says...

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

The latest example of the Federal Reserve engaging in Bill Kristol-like levels of denial is the Fed's continued insistence that the return of 70s-style inflation is a "transitory" phenomenon resulting from the end of the lockdowns.

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Rising prices amongst the many problems that the Biden Administration has created for the American people. But is Biden solely responsible for it? No. Previous Republican and Democrat administrations made their contributions with record government sp

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

With gasoline and diesel prices at a seven year high and inflation raging, the Biden Administration's plummet in the polls continues. The lofty aspirations of those pushing a "green agenda" - with shutdowns of pipelines - is meeting the hard reality

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

The Biden vaccine mandate appears to be falling apart before it's even in place. From first responders to truck drivers to everyone in-between, the message is clear: many thousands are willing to be fired from their jobs rather than be forced to ta

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

The shock votes in yesterday's elections - particularly in Virginia and New Jersey - have upended the Democratic Party juggernaut that has prevailed since the 2020 elections. Who are the real winners and losers from yesterday? Also - Minneapolis says

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Mainstream media can no longer ignore the growing rebellion among US workers over the demands that they take an experimental vaccine for the "privilege" of working. As Reuters puts it today, "From Boeing to Mercedes, A US Worker Rebellion Swells Over

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

A recent article in Politico spells trouble for Democrats, who sought to run on mandates, forced vax, and even shutdowns: the American voter is fed up with Covid and ready to move on. Will Republicans benefit from this shift? Also today: White House

Article Image by Ron Paul

President Biden's "townhall" meeting this past week was a disaster. From his bizarre poses to the incoherent answers, it seemed to confirm America's worst fears about a president we are told was elected by the most voters ever.

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

If supporters of abortion "followed the science," they would have to admit that abortion is the taking of human life. A fetus with a heartbeat is developing, but is also still a human with a right to life.

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

In a letter to a Member of Congress yesterday the Principle Deputy Director of the National Institutes of Health admitted that his agency - contrary to Fauci's claims - did fund gain-of-function research on bats and viruses. Over to you, Fauci... Als

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Nuclear scientists dismissed. First responders booted. Doctors and nurses axed. Pilots put on leave. And Biden's "mandate" has not even been promulgated by OSHA. The country is being ripped apart...and that may be just what they want. Meanwhile, Bide

Article Image by Ron Paul

Abortion has returned to the headlines thanks to Texas' "heartbeat law." As the name suggests, this law outlaws abortions performed after doctors can detect a fetal heartbeat. This is one of several recently passed state laws restricting aborti

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

Abortion has returned to the headlines thanks to Texas' "heartbeat law." As the name suggests, this law outlaws abortions performed after doctors can detect a fetal heartbeat. This is one of several recently passed state laws restricting aborti

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

The head of the Chicago police officers union has advised Chicago Police Department officers to refuse to disclose their vax status to city officials, as they face a Friday deadline to disclose or be fired. He warns that this weekend may see 50 perce

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Thanks to good investigative reporting by The Daily Wire, the full horror of the story of one ninth grade girl assaulted in a Loudoun County school bathroom has come out. The father was vilified as a "domestic terrorist" for calling the school board

Article Image by Ron Paul

In a surprise move yesterday, Texas Governor Gregg Abbott issued an executive order forbidding any entity in the state of Texas from mandating a Covid-19 vaccine. He followed up the order by putting the issue before the Texas legislature to codify it

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

The vaccine mandate backlash has been bubbling just under the surface, but now it has spilled out into the open, threatening to completely derail an already crumbling economy and to obliterate a deeply unpopular US President and Administration.

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Southwest Airlines is facing hundreds more cancellations - the fourth straight day. Rumors suggest more carriers may follow Southwest pilots' lead. Hundreds of thousands of US troops are defying Biden's mandate. Biden's poll numbers are historically

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

During last week's Virginia gubernatorial debate, Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe promised that as governor he would prevent parents from removing sexually explicit books from school libraries, because he doesn't think "parents should be tel