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Ron Paul Says...

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Article Image by Ron Paul

Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) recently got in touch with his inner mobster and threatened Elon Musk -- the new owner of Twitter and the CEO of electric car company Tesla and space ventures company SpaceX. He told Musk, "Fix your companies" or "Cong

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

One thing you will not see is the mainstream media looking into failed crypto-exchange/ponzi scheme FTX. Why? It's founder, Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) was the second largest Democrat Party donor after George Soros. SBF's parents were part of the financi

Article Image by Ron Paul

Those searching for an explanation of why there was no "red wave" giving Republicans huge gains in Congress in this year's midterm election should compare this year's election with the midterm election of 2010.

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Yesterday's midterm elections have left us with more questions than answers. How could Republicans have blown it so badly given the level of voter dissatisfaction across-the-board? How could Republican Congressional leadership have botched their mess

Article Image by Ron Paul Liberty Report

Yesterday's midterm elections have left us with more questions than answers. How could Republicans have blown it so badly given the level of voter dissatisfaction across-the-board? How could Republican Congressional leadership have botched their mess

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Even if every close Senate race broke in Republicans' favor, and the new Republican majority was determined to pass a pro-liberty agenda, there still would not be the votes to override President Biden's vetoes, or Chuck Schumer's filibusters.

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

...even if every close Senate race broke in Republicans' favor, and the new Republican majority was determined to pass a pro-liberty agenda, there still would not be the votes to override President Biden's vetoes, or Chuck Schumer's filibusters

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

After relentlessly pushing "woke" ideology and "cancel culture," Netflix, Facebook, and many other media and social media companies are now experiencing the wrath of the masses, as they shed value at an astonishing pace. Are we at "peak woke"? Why is

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Markets always have the final say. They ultimately overrule the incessant schemes of politicians and central bankers. There are no man-made "policies" that have the capability of revoking economic laws. There are no shortcuts, loopholes, or free lunc

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Just over a day after Kiev crossed Putin's "red line" and struck the bridge connecting Crimea with mainland Russia, Moscow launched an unprecedented level of airstrikes throughout Ukraine, aiming at the power grid and military command centers. The Bi

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

The unconstitutional and immoral Federal Reserve should not exist. But it does exist, and it has created an economic debacle so great, that the world has never seen anything like it before. The Fed was created in an attempt to control market forces t

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Former Polish Defense Minister Radek Sikorski (husband of US neocon Anne Applebaum) publicly thanked the US government for blowing up NordStream I and II on Twitter yesterday, a move that made even his own fellow countrymen feel awkward. The seeming

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Ron Paul Liberty Report - Bitchute

It appears as if some kind of explosion blew three huge holes in the NordStream I and II pipelines near Danish waters. Massive leaks are showing up on the surface of the Baltic Sea. Whodunnit? Would Washington blow up Russia's pipeline? Germany? Russ

Article Image by Ron Paul Liberty Report

A political tidal wave broke over Italy over the weekend, as voters by a large majority elected a right-wing government. European Union officials warned Italians not to vote the "wrong" way...but they did anyway. What is the bigger picture? Also toda

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