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Ron Paul Says...

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

With a bombshell new release from the House Oversight Committee revealing the tens of millions paid out to the Bidens by Ukrainian and Russian oligarchs, Northeastern University Professor Max Abrahms asks an important question in a recent Newsweek Ar

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

Early in 2017, Senator Chuck Schumer stated that then-newly elected President Donald Trump was dumb to be antagonizing the intelligence community because "they have six ways from Sunday to get back at you."

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Meta/Facebook's "Twitter Killer" social media app Threads attracted a huge level of interest when it recently launched. Unfortunately for Zuckerberg and his Meta company, traffic soon absolutely cratered. What's to blame for the failure? Also today -

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

President Trump has indicated that he is a "target" in the ongoing investigation of the events of January 6, 2022 - the "insurrection" and he anticipates being arrested under Biden's Justice Department. Is this a bridge too far? Arresting your politi

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

NATO's message to Ukrainian president Zelensky at its Vilnius summit was essentially, "you keep fighting and we'll keep sending weapons. But no NATO Membership." Zelensky was furious when this became clear and he lashed out. Slowly it is becoming obv

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With the revelation that cocaine has been found in the White House, right-wing Twitter has exploded with speculation that the president's famously drug-addled son must have brought the party back home. No evidence thus far implicates Hunter, but give

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Utopians never run out of pipe dreams. Whether it be "vaccine passports," or "carbon zero" or "you will own nothing, and be happy," the tyrannical ideas are always being broadcast. This is why those who cherish freedom must always be vigilant. The sc

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

More information released by the House Oversight Committee demonstrates even more influence-peddling and possible felonies committed by Hunter Biden and the entire family. Millions coming in from foreign governments to Hunter while his father was Vic

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Democratic Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is the first candidate to offer a concrete solution to our fast-approaching nuclear conflict with Russia. It's an old solution...but it worked pretty well the first time. Also today: Tucker Car

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Former US Secretary of State John Kerry was sent out by the tone-deaf Biden Administration to shore up condemnation of Putin over the Russian invasion of Ukraine. One French journalist dared to ask the obvious question: what about when the US did it?

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

If the weekend's attempted Wagner private military company march to Moscow was an actual coup attempt, it will go down as one of history's biggest farces. While NATO was on pins and needles hoping to see Putin defeated, the quick fizzle left them scr

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

US Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) abused his position as Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee to push false statements that former President Trump had colluded with the Russians. "I've seen the evidence but I can't show it to you," was Schiff's repe

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

The Fed's raising of interest rates has big spenders in the government upset. Many years of near 0% rates have created the biggest bubble in history. The government and the people are saddled with historic debts. Of course, the big spenders want The

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Tech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy has thrown his hat in the ring for the 2024 Republican Presidential nomination. His youth, energy, and tech-savviness has given him a surprise boost early in the race. Today's Liberty Report will sit down with Ramasw

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Today's breaking news that Hunter Biden has accepted a "slap on the wrist" plea deal on gun and tax charges has ended a nearly five year investigation into the "first son." But none of the serious charges have been addressed? Is this a way to change

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

Historians now tell us that President Kennedy agreed to remove US missiles from Turkey in exchange for the Soviets removing missiles from Cuba. It was a classic case of how diplomacy can work if properly employed.

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A new poll from The Economist and YouGov released yesterday brings more bad news for Biden, as Democratic rival RFK, Jr. surges in favorability with voters while Biden slumps. No wonder Biden refuses to debate RFK, Jr. and is desperately trying to mo

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

The indictment of former President Donald Trump looks like something out of a banana republic. With his numbers among the lowest of any president, Biden's justice department (sic) decides to threaten his leading opponent with 100 years in prison? It'