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Ron Paul Says...

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

The Democrats and Donald Trump reminds me of a bad horror movie, where the hapless protagonists only make the monster stronger with each attempt to eliminate it. So goes the Democrats' endless attempts to finally rid America of the "scourge" of

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

The most recent release from the federally funded Nation's Report Card shows that 40 percent of eighth graders lack even a basic understanding of US history, while only 14 percent are proficient or advanced in history.

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Is inflation really 'under control'? Well, just take a look at your bills. Does it look like 4.9%? Most likely not! Government, however, is always trying to spin reality into narratives that fits its own agenda; and its agenda is to always spend more

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

A new study by Brown University's Cost of War Project has estimated that post-9/11 wars launched by the west have directly and indirectly resulted in more than 4.5 million dead, most of them civilians. Also today, France, US, and UK set to begin trai

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Former President Donald Trump took the whole Trump show back on the road at a CNN town hall that did not at all go as CNN viewers expected. Trump brought the bombast and the humor as he danced around the landmines laid by CNN interrogator Kaitlan Col

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Whodunit? Two drones appear to have targeted the Kremlin just hours ago, raising the possibility that US-proxy Ukraine was trying to kill the Russian president. With Russian calls for a devastating response, who could be behind this escalation? Ukrai

Article Image by Ron Paul Liberty Report

Washington's old guard can't help itself: when it comes to throwing endless streams of our money down a foreign boondoggle they just never refuse. Even if they promise to do so. Speaker Kevin McCarthy is backing off his "no blank check" promise when

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

Move over Watergate. On or around Oct. 17, 2020, then-senior Biden campaign official Antony Blinken called up former acting CIA director Mike Morell to ask a favor: he needed high-ranking former US intelligence community officials to lie to the Ameri

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

In a Sunday interview, Sen. Lindsey Graham said he believes the US should be willing to go to war with China over Taiwan. "I would be willing to fight for Taiwan," Graham said. Of course he wouldn't be doing the fighting... Also today: US sends more

Article Image by Ron Paul Liberty Report

The government & the country are not the same thing. When our representatives refuse to follow the law of the land, the U.S. Constitution, is it patriotic to support the breaking of these laws? When government gets the country into endless wars, with

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

As former President Donald Trump faces an arraignment on some 34 criminal charges, Politico reports that some Democrats are getting nervous that they've seen this movie before. Will the Manhattan DA's move against Trump be a colossal backfire? Also t

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

It didn't happen overnight and it didn't even begin with the Trump presidency, but there has been a coup in America. A coup of the elites against the American people. It's just getting more obvious these days. Also today: who are the winners in the U

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Like the PATRIOT Act after 9/11, the RESTRICT Act introduced in the Senate is using a "crisis" to decimate our core Constitutional liberties. The bill gives any presidential administration the power to simply end any social media company it deems a "

Article Image by Ron Paul Liberty Report

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen admitted over the weekend that US sanctions on Iran are not "changing behavior" of the government in Tehran, but vowed to strengthen the measures anyway. Sanctions don't work? Sanction harder! Also today: US staying

Article Image by Ron Paul Liberty Report

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen admitted over the weekend that US sanctions on Iran are not "changing behavior" of the government in Tehran, but vowed to strengthen the measures anyway. Sanctions don't work? Sanction harder! Also today: US staying
