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Ron Paul Says...

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

Previewing President Biden's trip to Europe last week, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said that, "the president is traveling to Europe to make sure we stay united."

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

First it was a US demand that China vote to condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine, then suspiciously-sourced accusations that China was to provide military equipment to China, to now a sudden new round of sanctions on China. Does Washington really

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

A stealth form of inflation is "shrinkflation." Shrinkflation occurs when businesses reduce the size of a product so its price can stay the same.

Article Image by Ron Paul Liberty Report

Every artificial economic boom created by The Fed must have an economic bust. Manipulating interest rates lower creates distortions in the economy. A return to reality exposes those distortions and forces their liquidation. The Fed gives us a roller-

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

As President Biden tries to pin blame elsewhere on the rip-offs at the gas pump, the fact remains that the policies of his administration are the chief culprit. Yes, his administration has had some help, primarily from the counterfeiting Federal Rese

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) has labeled former US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard a "traitorous liar" over Gabbard's suggestion that the US should work with Russia toward a ceasefire in Ukraine with a focus on protecting the US Defense Department-funded biolabs scatt

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Ron Paul Institute - Adam Dick

In the interview, Paul discusses some things he does not often address in interviews or speeches, such as Paul's reading of the bible and Paul's morning routines.

Article Image by Ron Paul

President Biden's "maskless" State of the Union signifies the near-end of the COVID tyranny we have lived under for the past two years. Fortunately for Congress, the President, and the Federal Reserve, the Ukraine-Russia conflict is replacing C

Article Image by Ron Paul Liberty Report

With prices skyrocketing, the expected finger-pointing has arrived. While there's plenty peripheral blame that is certainly warranted, problems are not solved by tinkering with the periphery. You solve problems by going directly to the source. The ro

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

After all the "fact check" organizations assured us it was "Russian disinformation" and "fake news," US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria "F the EU" Nuland admitted the existence of biolabs in Senate testimony and stated that the US was working w

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

President Biden's "maskless" State of the Union signifies the near-end of the COVID tyranny we have lived under for the past two years.

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Economic sanctions seek to impoverish and sicken the civilians of the sanctioned nation. They also place heavy economic costs on the civilians of nations imposing the sanctions. To add insult to injury, the track record of sanctions forcing political

Article Image by Ron Paul Liberty Report

As the Russian attack on Ukraine continues, there are more and more moves in the US to weaponize banking and money itself in an attempt to "punish" Russia for its aggression. Some cooler heads are recognizing that the "sanction everything" hot heads

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Despite assuring Americans last night that no troops would be sent to fight in Ukraine, President Biden assured the country that it would stand by its NATO allies. Many argue that this is a good argument against Ukraine's NATO membership in the first

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Is the Russian incursion into Ukraine a desperate "land grab" by an unhinged Russian president? Is it as simple as that? That is what the mainstream media across the political spectrum is pumping out. And, as with all propaganda wars, anyone outside

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

Nearly two decades after the end of both the Warsaw Pact and the Cold War, expanding NATO made no sense. NATO itself made no sense.

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

The Covid Berlin Wall fell. Time to get back to normal, right? Well, not so fast. A fight on the other side of the world has generated war fever in the minds of America's political classes. They're already telling American citizens that "sacrifices w

Article Image, John Stossel

Will there be War in Ukraine? Will we join the fight? Could be imminent.

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