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Ron Paul Says...

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

The battle today over how to categorize events of Jan. 6th, 2020 will fall along predictable lines, whether one watches CNN or Fox etc. But beyond the contrived talk of "insurrection" or "not insurrection" are plenty of good examples of actual subver

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Fauci is again in front of the camera, hectoring people to stay home on New Year's - and whatever they do, DON'T hug each other to greet the New Year. What's wrong with this guy? Also today - is Biden purposely withholding a proven Covid treatment? F

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

Bloomberg News recently solicited advice from Argentinians who lived through that country's high inflation on how Americans should cope with rising inflation.

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Busted by their own emails! Fauci and his boss, NIH Director Francis Collins, engaged in a conspiracy to defame and destroy the work of three prominent scientists from Stanford, Harvard, and Oxford, which challenged the Fauci/Collins lockdown strateg

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

A couple of weeks into the Omicron hysteria - where Europe has gone full totalitarian out of fear - some uncomfortable (for the lockdowners) truths are emerging: early data shows that Omicron is infecting those who are "fully vaccinated" at a much hi

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

A prominent German researcher has published findings in the British medical journal The Lancet his evidence that vaccinated individuals are increasingly driving infection and thus referring to a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" is harmful and unnecessa

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

"This is Dr. Anthony Fauci. According to government records you have not yet received your monthly covid booster shot. Until you prove you are following vaccine protocols, your vaccine passport will be revoked, resulting in loss of your privilege t

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Bestselling author Alex Berenson has written a powerful piece detailing specifically how the covid panic appears to finally be ending in the US. Also today, rebels in the UK parliament, Austria reverts, and Fauci bloviates about shots in kids.

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Outgoing New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio is going out with a bang! He announced today that ALL employers in the Big Apple must require their workers to take the Covid shots or be fired. It is a decision that will hurt black NYC residents the most,

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

According to the Washington Post, the Biden Administration is expected tomorrow to force ALL travelers to the US - Americans and foreigners alike - to take a Covid test within a day of travel AND to self-quarantine for seven days after arrival. Vaxxe

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Thanksgiving weekend was rocked by reports of a new Covid mutation, quickly named "Omicron Variant," which resulted in lockdown-happy "public health officials" across the globe pushing the panic button. Actual doctors reporting from "ground zero" in

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

Some pundits have suggested that the way to cope with higher prices and reduced availability of goods is for people to "lower their expectations." These pundits have unwittingly stumbled into the truth

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Fauci made another circuit through the adoring media yesterday, again accusing anyone of pointing out his lack of honesty and constant moving the goal posts of "killing people." Senator Paul has a great retort to this absurd and, frankly, unhinged cl
