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Events: America

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I saw a small sign stuck in the grass near the side of a road where I live in Orlando that I have never seen before. I wrote down the text on the sign so I could remember it. It simply said: Legal Weed Office Visit $199

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On June 8, we could see one of the wildest and most dramatic scenes ever to unfold on Capitol Hill: The former director of the FBI being taken out of the room in handcuffs.

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The House intelligence committee just issued seven subpoenas regarding the wiretapping investigation and the Russian election meddling -- and the names at the top of three of them are very bad news for former President Barack Obama.

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Hillary Clinton was the featured speaker at Recode's Code Conference in California on Wednesday, where of course she kept blaming everyone else but herself for losing the election. This time, she singled out Alex Jones, and said he was coordinating w
