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IPFS News Link • Education: Government Schools

Evergreen State College caves in to Alt-Left student mob's demand for absurd homework exemption


(Natural News) To say that things are out of control on the campus of the uber-Left-wing Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, is, frankly, a massive understatement. The situation there has devolved into something so surreal if you wrote down and tried to sell it to Hollywood as a drama no one would take you seriously.

Well, maybe in Hollywood, but nowhere else.

Last week, you may recall, Campus Insanity reported that crazy Leftist students had taken over portions of the campus, angry that a single professor — Bret Weinstein — refused to yield when they demanded he observe a "Day of Absence & Day of Presence," a racist construct aimed at booting all whites off the campus for an entire day. (RELATED: Evergreen State College students SEIZE campus, begin forced searches of vehicles for white professor who refused to kow-tow to liberal insanity)

"On a college campus, one's right to speak — or to be — should not be based on skin color," he wrote in an email that only enraged the budding Nazi Brownshirts, who immediately labeled him a racist and bigot and, you know, their enemy.

But then it turned personal, and even potentially dangerous, for Weinstein. He said campus police told him it would be best of he stayed away from a couple of days because it wasn't safe for him to hold classes on campus, like a professor is supposed to do.

Worse, he was tipped off that some students were searching cars and actually looking for him, perhaps with an eye towards kidnapping the professorial upstart.

"Police told me protesters stopped cars yesterday, demanding information about occupants," Weinstein told the Washington Times. "They believe I was being sought. It appears that the campus has been under effective control over protestors since 9:30 a.m. Tuesday."

But then he made this incredulous claim: "Police are on lockdown, hamstrung by the college administration. Students, staff and faculty are not safe."

Some students then took over the campus library and barricaded themselves in after posting videos on social media showing them shouting down those who disagree with them or who did not show sufficient compassion for 'racial justice.'

Well, this kind of behavior should certainly warrant some disciplinary actions, right? Perhaps even a criminal investigation and charges of threats of violence, along with the obviously illegal act of taking school property by occupying the library — right?

Wrong. This is Evergreen State College, where student performance is not measured by icky, archaic and judgmental grades, but rather with "narrative evaluations" — whatever those are.
