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Events: America

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In 1888 British Liberal leader Sir William Harcourt declared, "We are all socialists now." With the notable exception of libertarians, the same can be said of the American people in 2017. Except for libertarians, Americans are all socialists now

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Any fan of Steven Spielberg will want to listen in for this one: The illustrious filmmaker behind works like Jaws, Indiana Jones, and E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial is stepping out from behind the camera to be the subject of a new documentary.

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This article is not about fear. This article is about common sense. Last week, we discussed the internet of things, and how smart devices could be used to literally know more about us than we know about ourselves.

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Former president Barack Obama will formally reenter the political fray this week less than six months after leaving office, headlining a fundraiser for a group that could prove critical to the Democratic Party's rebuilding efforts.

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Amy Schumer is not funny because people are sexist, according to lunatic liberals. But watch and see the real reason why nobody with half a brain thinks the piece of trash is funny.

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The economic ignorace of the "Let's Raise the Minimum Wage" gang is matched only by their smugness. In their confused, economically-illiterate universe, you either advocate for an increase in the minimum wage or you hate poor people.

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Lyn Ulbricht, mother of Ross Ulbricht, joins us today to discuss the arrest, conviction and unconscionable double life plus 40 year sentence of her son in the Silk Road case. We discuss the case against Ross and the exculpatory information that was w
