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Events: America

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If the Pentagon and the CIA stepped in, removed Trump from office, took control, and promised a new election within a reasonable period of time, my hunch is that there would be a lot of established types, especially within the mainstream press, who w

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Attorney General Jeff Sessions went face-to-face with his former Senate colleagues Tuesday and completely contradicted everything ousted FBI director James Comey had claimed about their interactions.

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Since the election of President Donald Trump, liberal celebrities and lawmakers have been on the attack. Angered by their stunning loss at the polls, Democrats have used increasingly dangerous language to encourage their followers to "resist" Tru

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President Trump may be chief of state, head of government and commander in chief, but his administration is shot through with disloyalists plotting to bring him down.

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I can understand why the ruling elite, broadly conceived to include the intel bureaucracy and military-industrial complex, has an interest in positing Russia as our enemy. The reasons are obvious enough.

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The wait is finally over, and moments ago - one day ahead of James Comey's much anticipated Congressional testimony - Trump announced that he will nominate King and Spalding litigation partner and former DOJ Assistant AG, Christopher Wray to be the n

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